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Wednesday 5 August 2015

Rita's August Ornament

First of all, thank you for allowing me to be a part of this group.  I've enjoyed our sister Halloween ornie group so I'm sure this one will be fun too.

It's exciting to see everyone's choices for this month.  I see a lot of Prairie Schoolers and, since I have PS on the brain since the announcement of their upcoming retirement, I chose a PS Santa for my ornie this month...It's from Book 48 A Christmas Visit.

It's really hot here in SE Texas (flirting or making 100 degrees F for the past couple of weeks) so it feels a little strange stitching with the AC humming along.

Most likely, I'll stitch them and wait until I've stitched several before "finishing".  (Also my strategy since I'm "finishing impaired".)



Kate said...

Fabulous finish, Rita! Yes, Prairie Schooler is a common theme this month. I'm also finishing impaired! I'll count it a win to get the stitching done each month. Boy, I hear you about the heat! I'm in NE Texas and these triple digit days are getting old.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely PS Santa.
It's been quite pleasant in England, not too hot at all this year.

Kaisievic said...

Lovely Santa, Rita, I am with you - finishing is not my forte but I love to stitch! It is freezing cold here in Melbourne, this winter - very miserable for us all! By the way, Rita, if you haven't already (I am way behind on my emails), you may like to join my Prairie Schooler SAL.

Melanie said...

Lovely stitching. X

AnaCristina said...


Bea said...

That's a great design. I'm another finishing challenged person, so it's nice to know I'm not alone.

Annie said...

What a cute Santa:) I too prefer the stitching part to the finishing part of cross stitching projects...:))

sew.darn.quilt said...

Very cute Santa design ")

Rita said...

Yes, we're tired of the heat too. Our highest projected real temp next week will be 104. Add in our high humidity and watch out!

Rita said...

Would you mind giving me the URL of your SAL? Thanks!

Marcy said...

Great choice for Santa. I know what you mean about finishing ... I've got a significant stack of ornaments that need finished :(

Stitching Noni said...

Great choice! A very cute Santa :o)
Hugs xx

Justine said...

Gorgeous PS Santa! I am late to PS and sad that they are retiring soon.