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Wednesday 30 December 2015

December 2015 Ornament

Hello my friends,
I hope you enjoyed your Christmas
catching up with friends and family.

My December ornament.
This lovely tree is from a 
`Just Cross Stitch Ornament`
At the moment I can`t find the issue but once I do
I will edit info in.
Happy Stitching,

Didn't Quite Make It

I had hoped to catch up with my 2015 Ornaments after I moved, but it's obvious I'm not going to make it.

Here's where I am with November's snowman

and December's Free Choice is nowhere in sight. I will be doing some stitching tonight and tomorrow so there is a remote possibility of a finish, but I'm doubtful. However, I will post, however much or little I get stitched.

Looking forward to starting fresh for the 2016 ornament choices.

December 2

Ďakujem za krásne komentáre bloger priateľkám Nurdan, Jo, Bea, Justine, Brigitte a Khristina! Som zaneprázdnený človek, ospravedlňujem za, že neodpovedám každej osobitne. Ale každému milému slovu sa veľmi teším!

Mištičky, šálka a hrnček na čaj mám vyšité. Povrchovú úpravu nemôžem urobiť, mám stále pokazený šijací stroj. Preto som pre vás pripravila aspoň malú ochutnávku ovocného pečeného čaju vo vianočnej šálke a k tomu mandle v čokoláde a škorici:

Máme rok 2015 už na konci. Od septembra sa spolu zabávame pri vyšívaní na rôzne vianočné témy. Chcem poďakovať autorke tohto skvelého nápadu - Kaye. Ďakujeme, drahá Kaye, prajem vám veľa zdravia a teším sa na Christmas Ornie SAL v roku 2016!!!

Nech sa vám darí!

Tuesday 29 December 2015

The December ornament is done and finished finished and given away.  The November ornament was finished an given away but the photo is still missing!  I know I took a photo but still can not find it after nearly two months of checking various files, etc.  Oh well.  Meanwhile, enjoy December's photo.

Sunday 27 December 2015

December 1

Najskôr ďakujem drahým bloger priateľkám Justine, Bea, Noni, Carmo, Timi, Brigitte, Jo Rita za krásne komentáre na môj minuli Príspevok !!!

Pred vianoce som prestala na pár dní vyšívať. Musela som sa trocha viac venovať nasej domácnosti :-)
Počas Vianoc bolo uvarené napečené, mohla som zas chytiť ihlu pustiť sa do toho. Bola by som nešťastná, keby som zmeškala decembrovú úlohu. Téma bola ľubovoľná, čo Však nie je Výhoda. Dlho som si vyberala, Nakoniec som vybrala :-)

Na Dokončenie mám ľan pár dní :-)

Nech sa vám darí!

Thursday 24 December 2015

Cheryl's Nov and Dec Ornaments

For my November ornament, I selected "Snow" by Valerie Danish.  This pattern is featured in the 2015 Just Cross Stitch Special Holiday Issue.  I stitched the pattern on 14 ct plastic canvas, and backed it with black felt.  I actually started stitching this one in November, but got too busy with work.  I finished it last week.

For my December ornament, I stitched "Quaker Flower" (freebie) by The Stitcherhood.  I have yet to finish it into an ornament ... but the stitching is complete.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday 17 December 2015

Little Houses in December

Hello friends,

I have finished my December ornaments and I chose some little houses. I always love stitching houses and have had these in my stash for quite a while.

Maisons rouges by Le chalet des Perelles (freebies)

There are two more houses by this designer and I will stitch them next year.

Happy stitching,

Wednesday 16 December 2015

December's Free Choice

My first post tot his blog.  :)

Anyone who reads my regular stitching blog will know I've been furiously stitching away at ornaments for gifts the past couple weeks.  Not all are Christmas themed, but this weekend I was able to finish one Christmas one I am using for my free choice this month:

This is Holiday Stamp, a kit by Mill Hill.  I'm really pleased with the way it turned out once it was all done.  

Saturday 12 December 2015

Sitting idle

Well not really. I have been so busy with other things around me that I haven't had time to do any smalls stitching. It's been great to see what everyone has been making. Thanks for letting me watch on.
Hope everyone can have a happy and safe festive season and come back in the new year refreshed and ready to stitch some more.

December - free choice.

Dear Rudolph, Lizzie Kate

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 
See you in 2016!

Friday 11 December 2015

Catching Up

Got a couple of finishes to share.

My September ornie finish finished.

And my October angel as well.

She may get a face - I'm still thinking about that.

Sunday 6 December 2015


.... this post is going to go on this blog and all of my SAL blogs, too.  You may have noticed that I have been MIA for a couple of weeks now and I am so sorry but I cannot see that changing for a while!  I am uberbusy at work setting up a important project before I go away on leave in a week or so.  At the same time, I am uberbusy at home, trying to get organised to go away for our big trip!

Something had to give, and I promise you, it has not been the stitching but it has been the blogging!  I cannot see that changing in the next week and a half before we go, unfortunately!

Where are we going, I hear you ask?  Well, TraderVic and I are off to Taiwan for DS1 and his wife's Taiwanese wedding - why have one wedding in a year when you can have two?  We attend the wedding then we will be travelling around Taiwan for a while then it is off to a lovely resort in Kota Kinabalu in Borneo for the rest and relaxation part of our holiday  and then Singapore - should be a lovely trip if I can get everything organised, that is!

So, you will not see me on any of the blogs, I do not think between now and mid to late January, I shouldn't think.  I will try to read blogs while I am away but not too sure how much blogging of my own I will get done!

If you are a Facebook friend, keep an eye on my feed if you would like to follow our travels.

Merry Christmas to you all, lots of blessings and a Happy New Year,

See you all next year,

lots and lots of hugs, Kaye

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Nov snowman

Finished  my snowman just before bed last night. For a small ornie it took longer than I thought to stitch it. Started Saturday while I was watching Lennon. She "fixed" the magnets while I was stitching. Translation she stacked them,LOL!