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Wednesday 30 December 2015

December 2015 Ornament

Hello my friends,
I hope you enjoyed your Christmas
catching up with friends and family.

My December ornament.
This lovely tree is from a 
`Just Cross Stitch Ornament`
At the moment I can`t find the issue but once I do
I will edit info in.
Happy Stitching,

Didn't Quite Make It

I had hoped to catch up with my 2015 Ornaments after I moved, but it's obvious I'm not going to make it.

Here's where I am with November's snowman

and December's Free Choice is nowhere in sight. I will be doing some stitching tonight and tomorrow so there is a remote possibility of a finish, but I'm doubtful. However, I will post, however much or little I get stitched.

Looking forward to starting fresh for the 2016 ornament choices.

December 2

Ďakujem za krásne komentáre bloger priateľkám Nurdan, Jo, Bea, Justine, Brigitte a Khristina! Som zaneprázdnený človek, ospravedlňujem za, že neodpovedám každej osobitne. Ale každému milému slovu sa veľmi teším!

Mištičky, šálka a hrnček na čaj mám vyšité. Povrchovú úpravu nemôžem urobiť, mám stále pokazený šijací stroj. Preto som pre vás pripravila aspoň malú ochutnávku ovocného pečeného čaju vo vianočnej šálke a k tomu mandle v čokoláde a škorici:

Máme rok 2015 už na konci. Od septembra sa spolu zabávame pri vyšívaní na rôzne vianočné témy. Chcem poďakovať autorke tohto skvelého nápadu - Kaye. Ďakujeme, drahá Kaye, prajem vám veľa zdravia a teším sa na Christmas Ornie SAL v roku 2016!!!

Nech sa vám darí!

Tuesday 29 December 2015

The December ornament is done and finished finished and given away.  The November ornament was finished an given away but the photo is still missing!  I know I took a photo but still can not find it after nearly two months of checking various files, etc.  Oh well.  Meanwhile, enjoy December's photo.

Sunday 27 December 2015

December 1

Najskôr ďakujem drahým bloger priateľkám Justine, Bea, Noni, Carmo, Timi, Brigitte, Jo Rita za krásne komentáre na môj minuli Príspevok !!!

Pred vianoce som prestala na pár dní vyšívať. Musela som sa trocha viac venovať nasej domácnosti :-)
Počas Vianoc bolo uvarené napečené, mohla som zas chytiť ihlu pustiť sa do toho. Bola by som nešťastná, keby som zmeškala decembrovú úlohu. Téma bola ľubovoľná, čo Však nie je Výhoda. Dlho som si vyberala, Nakoniec som vybrala :-)

Na Dokončenie mám ľan pár dní :-)

Nech sa vám darí!

Thursday 24 December 2015

Cheryl's Nov and Dec Ornaments

For my November ornament, I selected "Snow" by Valerie Danish.  This pattern is featured in the 2015 Just Cross Stitch Special Holiday Issue.  I stitched the pattern on 14 ct plastic canvas, and backed it with black felt.  I actually started stitching this one in November, but got too busy with work.  I finished it last week.

For my December ornament, I stitched "Quaker Flower" (freebie) by The Stitcherhood.  I have yet to finish it into an ornament ... but the stitching is complete.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday 17 December 2015

Little Houses in December

Hello friends,

I have finished my December ornaments and I chose some little houses. I always love stitching houses and have had these in my stash for quite a while.

Maisons rouges by Le chalet des Perelles (freebies)

There are two more houses by this designer and I will stitch them next year.

Happy stitching,

Wednesday 16 December 2015

December's Free Choice

My first post tot his blog.  :)

Anyone who reads my regular stitching blog will know I've been furiously stitching away at ornaments for gifts the past couple weeks.  Not all are Christmas themed, but this weekend I was able to finish one Christmas one I am using for my free choice this month:

This is Holiday Stamp, a kit by Mill Hill.  I'm really pleased with the way it turned out once it was all done.  

Saturday 12 December 2015

Sitting idle

Well not really. I have been so busy with other things around me that I haven't had time to do any smalls stitching. It's been great to see what everyone has been making. Thanks for letting me watch on.
Hope everyone can have a happy and safe festive season and come back in the new year refreshed and ready to stitch some more.

December - free choice.

Dear Rudolph, Lizzie Kate

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 
See you in 2016!

Friday 11 December 2015

Catching Up

Got a couple of finishes to share.

My September ornie finish finished.

And my October angel as well.

She may get a face - I'm still thinking about that.

Sunday 6 December 2015


.... this post is going to go on this blog and all of my SAL blogs, too.  You may have noticed that I have been MIA for a couple of weeks now and I am so sorry but I cannot see that changing for a while!  I am uberbusy at work setting up a important project before I go away on leave in a week or so.  At the same time, I am uberbusy at home, trying to get organised to go away for our big trip!

Something had to give, and I promise you, it has not been the stitching but it has been the blogging!  I cannot see that changing in the next week and a half before we go, unfortunately!

Where are we going, I hear you ask?  Well, TraderVic and I are off to Taiwan for DS1 and his wife's Taiwanese wedding - why have one wedding in a year when you can have two?  We attend the wedding then we will be travelling around Taiwan for a while then it is off to a lovely resort in Kota Kinabalu in Borneo for the rest and relaxation part of our holiday  and then Singapore - should be a lovely trip if I can get everything organised, that is!

So, you will not see me on any of the blogs, I do not think between now and mid to late January, I shouldn't think.  I will try to read blogs while I am away but not too sure how much blogging of my own I will get done!

If you are a Facebook friend, keep an eye on my feed if you would like to follow our travels.

Merry Christmas to you all, lots of blessings and a Happy New Year,

See you all next year,

lots and lots of hugs, Kaye

Tuesday 1 December 2015

Nov snowman

Finished  my snowman just before bed last night. For a small ornie it took longer than I thought to stitch it. Started Saturday while I was watching Lennon. She "fixed" the magnets while I was stitching. Translation she stacked them,LOL!

Monday 30 November 2015

November II.

Skoro som to nestihla :-)

Ďakujem vám za milé komentáre k prvej novembrovej časti - Justine, Kaye, Noni, Bea, Jo, Rita, Brigitte!!!
Na poslednú chvíľu som tu predsa s mojimi snehuliakmi:
čo si asi rozprávajú?

Teším sa na december :-)

Nech sa vám darí!

Still in time - a snowman

Dear friends,

he is finally finished, my snowman for this month. I finished the stitching part last week but then wasn't motivated enough to sew on the little buttons - until this morning :) So here he is.

Cromwell, the Snowman by The Trilogy
Threads and buttons from my stash

I also started another little snowman but it will take one more day to finish him. But I'll show him when he's done.

Happy stitching,

Sunday 29 November 2015

Holy Night

Hello my friends,
`Holy Night`
by `SamSarah Design Studio Inc.`
is complete.

This design comes from
`Just Cross Stitch Ornaments ` 2013 issue.

Showing the fabric I backed my `Stand-alone` ornament.
I used `Home Solution Fashion` fancy knitting yarn for trim.
Happy Stitching,

Saturday 28 November 2015

October & November Finishes!

Surprise, surprise... I do have two finishes to show you today!

October's theme first:
Remember some time ago I showed you my "Joy Angel" and she was looking bit strange....

Well, she is all finished now and currently on her way to England to be added to the Christmas Tree of Joy that Clare-Aimetu is organising for her local church.  Hopefully the tree will be full of cross stitched ornies from around the world all with the word "Joy" on them in one form or another.

"Joyful Angels Triptych" (Designer Mona Eno)
Cross Stitch Christmas magazine (1999)
The second finish that I have to show you is my choice for November's theme.  I love snowmen and had a terrible time choosing which one to stitch.... so in the end I didn't do any!!

Instead I went with a Fizzy Moon freebie that I had in my stash...  it is sort of a winter scene, don't you think?

Fizzy Moon Freebie - Cross Stitch Card Shop (issue 92)
This freebie was published in the Cross Stitch Card Shop magazine (issue 92).  I decided to cover the plain white card with a vintage winter scene scrapbook paper that I had and then added a snowflake to fill in the rather large white space at the top.

So that's me all up to date again!!

Now I just have to think about my December choice....

Til next time, happy Christmas Stitching!
Hugs xx
Stitching Noni

Wednesday 25 November 2015

Noel Blanc - A Mon Ami Pierre

Not a Christmas ornie but a lovely framed piece I collected last week and an excuse to mention my Advent Calendar Blog Hop!

The picture is taken at an angle to avoid camera flash!

Here is it face-on:

stitched on 32 count linen

And on to the Advent Calendar!  Those of you who already follow my blog Serendipitous Stitching will know I host several blog hops throughout the year and it's nearly time for the Advent Calendar.

Basically I allocate each person a date in December and on that date they have to post something they have stitched on a seasonal theme and an answer to the topic I have given them.  I copy the photo onto the special Advent post on my blog and we have a lovely Advent Calendar!  To take part just drop me an email or leave a comment here.

Monday 23 November 2015


Is the parts in the foreground a way to hold the scroll frame in the background? I was hoping it is a way to make it hands free for stitching. Thanks for any help you can give.

Wednesday 18 November 2015

Rita's Dec. Free Choice

I stitched this for a block exchange in another group but decided to use it also as my Dec. ornament for here...especially since I plan to stitch it again to keep.  It's by Homespun Elegance and is in the 2013 JCS Ornament issue.  I subbed out the red floss (if I remember correctly, it's CC Manor Red) because I didn't have the called-for red floss and wanted instant gratification.  (I would have had to order the other floss and wait for it to arrive.)  I also used beads instead of the French knots.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

2016 Themes are here!

Hi everyone,

So sorry that I have been in absentia from this blog but I have been quite ill with the double whammy of tonsilitis and the flu!  It certainly knocks you out, that is for sure!

Anyway, I am back on deck now and I am going to try to catch up with all things bloggy!

So, to start with, I am announcing the themes for 2016.  Thanks for all of the great suggestions, I have tried to make them broad enough to incorporate everyone's preferences.

January - Music 

This could include carol singers, musical notes or musical words

February - Snow

Think snowflakes, snowmen or wintry scenes

March - Santa and his helpers

This includes Mrs Santa, elves, Rupert the red-nosed reindeer, whoever you like

April - Ornaments/decorations

Lots of options here: ornies, candy canes, baubles, snowglobes, wreaths, candles, flowers, poinsettias

May - Reindeer

A very popular option

June - Christmas animals/pets

Dogs, cats, mice,  (reindeer?- lol!)

July - Free Choice

Whatever takes your fancy!

August - Christmas clothing

Mittens, stockings, Santa hats, can you think of anything else?

September - Christmas Food

Yum yum!  Puddings, cakes, gingerbread men and houses, candy canes, mince pies

October - Toys and presents

Let your imagination go wild: nutcrackers, toy soldiers, beautifully wrapped presents, etc.

November - Oh Christmas Tree!

Self-explanatory really

December - Angels/Nativity

Most appropriate theme for the Christmas month!

So, we should all have lots of fun with these themes next year, I think!

hugs, Kaye

Monday 16 November 2015

November I.

Najskôr sa chcem poďakovať za milé slová v komentároch. Brigitte, Kaye, Bea, Annie, Justine, Rita, Jo, Noni, veľmi ste ma potešili, ďakujem vám z celého srdca!

Dnes vám chcem ukázať aspoň časť novembrovej témy - snehuliak:

U nás stále prší. Nedá sa ísť do prírody, tak sa budem venovať vyšívaniu :-)

Pozdravujem všetky moje priateľky z Christmas Ornie SAL!!!!

Thursday 12 November 2015

Made A Start

Hello my friends.
I`ve made a start on November`s ornament.
This is slow as I am also this month I`m 
working on Christmas gifts as well.

I am stitching from `Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments 2013`
magazine page 62.
A SamSarah Design Studio Inc pattern 
`Holy Night`.

I`m using threads from out of my stash.
WDW`s Scuppermong, Parchment,Clockwork
and DMC 310.
My linen is a verigated blue from my cupboard.
My next post on this will be the finished ornament.
Happy Stitching,

Wednesday 11 November 2015

September Is Done

Here is my September ornie.

Not finished finished because all those supplies are still in an unpacked box or 2 or 3, but ready. And I got started on my October angel.

Here's to more stitching time and catching up!

Monday 9 November 2015

Owl always Love the Sweater

The Christmas ornament stitching is on! The trails of DMC  699 and DMC 321 are my breadcrumbs scattered around the entire house. If you need to find me follow floss tails. lol This little sweet Owl is from Pinoy Stitch titled  Hooties Ugly Christmas Sweaters . 

Sunday 8 November 2015

Rita's November Snowman

For once, I had no trouble choosing what to stitch for this month.  I've stitched this guy before for an exchange and already had it "kitted up" to stitch again for myself.  It's by Redbird Designs, a designer who does a lot of Texas-themed designs. 

Now, I'll go back to model stitching until I choose a design for the Halloween ornie group.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Angel for Oct

I wasn't able to finish my angel as my "helper" wouldn't leave the magnets in place. This is the first time she noticed them. I dropped my needle and she said "I'll get it". She picked it up and handed it to me right away. She had tried to "use it" earlier. Her Mom told her it was Granma's to leave it alone. She's only 2. I am going to finish my angel, soon I hope and will call it Evelyn as my Great Aunt Evelyn passed away Sunday at 97. Due to my helper I'll be fudging it a little. Her arm and the chart aren't matching up, LOL!

running late

Glad to see I am not the only one running late.  Mine reason is because I was out of town without a camera or computer.

So here goes.

This is my angel for October.   She was finished on Oct 31st.   Below is the photo from the PS leaflet.  I did leave off the ivy.  I may go back an add it but if I do, it will be green (dark) instead of black.   I am still debating also if I want to do the outlining.  I'm really leaning towards not doing it.   As you can see, the leaflet pieces were trimmed in black.  I'm thinking of gold finishing instead.  Black doesn't sit well with me for Christmas.  I can justify the black robes because perhaps she was a Benedictine nun before becoming a nun an their robes are black.

This is also my piece for the PS SAL and you may see it over there and the regular blog as well.  
Now to find something for November to stitch (as if I don't have enough).

Better Late Than Never

I've finished her!

A little late I know but I made a boob and didn't notice so a lot of reverse stitching was required. 
That put me off completely but I picked it up again and finished her off. I just need to decide on whether to make it into a cushion or decoration as it turned out to be quite big. I really need to look at the dimensions before I start a project I usually do I'm not sure why I didn't this time.

I'm looking forward to getting this months project finished on time.

Happy Stitching
Melanie xxx

Sunday 1 November 2015

An Angelic Fail....

Yep, I failed!  So close but not quite close enough!

This is my Angel (or part there of).....

I know she looks a bit weird at the moment..... I have to find (order) the colour for her hair and locate some more of the colour of the shading around her wings, so I stitched what I could and then started backstitching the lower section.  I am not stitching the bottom of the dress as I need to keep this as a small design (further details on why later...).  You will probably notice that I changed the word "Joy" and stitched it in gold Kreinik.  I have also embellished her sleeve and head dress with green Kreinik just to bling it up a bit!!

For those of you that might like to know where this design came from.... she can be found in a very old Cross Stitch Christmas magazine (1999) - design is called "Joyful Angels Triptych" and is designed by Mona Eno.  I am stitching her on a piece of "Waratah" 32 count fabric from Stitches and Spice (an Australian online fabric store).

I will come back and post a finished pic once she is done.... and then hopefully she will look more angelic!

Til then, happy Christmas Stitching!
Hugs xx
Stitching Noni

Friday 30 October 2015

Xmas angel

I will be posting mine when I get back Sunday. Babysitting starting tonight so I'll be away from my computer. Not much left to stitch on it so it should be done by the end of the month. Love seeing everyones!

Rita's Christmas Angel

I finished stitching this one just in the nick of time.  It's from the PS leaflet Christmas Traditions.

Below are some of my past angel and nativity stitching projects: