Hi everyone,
So sorry that I have been in absentia from this blog but I have been quite ill with the double whammy of tonsilitis and the flu! It certainly knocks you out, that is for sure!
Anyway, I am back on deck now and I am going to try to catch up with all things bloggy!
So, to start with, I am announcing the themes for 2016. Thanks for all of the great suggestions, I have tried to make them broad enough to incorporate everyone's preferences.
January - Music
This could include carol singers, musical notes or musical words
February - Snow
Think snowflakes, snowmen or wintry scenes
March - Santa and his helpers
This includes Mrs Santa, elves, Rupert the red-nosed reindeer, whoever you like
April - Ornaments/decorations
Lots of options here: ornies, candy canes, baubles, snowglobes, wreaths, candles, flowers, poinsettias
May - Reindeer
A very popular option
June - Christmas animals/pets
Dogs, cats, mice, (reindeer?- lol!)
July - Free Choice
Whatever takes your fancy!
August - Christmas clothing
Mittens, stockings, Santa hats, can you think of anything else?
September - Christmas Food
Yum yum! Puddings, cakes, gingerbread men and houses, candy canes, mince pies
October - Toys and presents
Let your imagination go wild: nutcrackers, toy soldiers, beautifully wrapped presents, etc.
November - Oh Christmas Tree!
Self-explanatory really
December - Angels/Nativity
Most appropriate theme for the Christmas month!
So, we should all have lots of fun with these themes next year, I think!
hugs, Kaye