Welcome to the Jolliest blog on the block! Each month we have a different theme. You choose your OWN chart, fabric and threads. Share your progress as you go along and post your finished piece by the last day of the month. You can join at anytime throughout the year and choose which months you wish to stitch with us. Happy Xmas everyone!
Christmas is a Universal Language: Translate here
Friday, 30 October 2015
Xmas angel
I will be posting mine when I get back Sunday. Babysitting starting tonight so I'll be away from my computer. Not much left to stitch on it so it should be done by the end of the month. Love seeing everyones!
Rita's Christmas Angel
I finished stitching this one just in the nick of time. It's from the PS leaflet Christmas Traditions.
Below are some of my past angel and nativity stitching projects:
Below are some of my past angel and nativity stitching projects:
Thursday, 29 October 2015
Ornament for October.
Hello my friends.
Here is my ornament.
Out of `Just Cross Stitch Christmas Ornaments`2015 magazine.
Design:`Needle Bling Designs.
On page 63 is the pattern.
I used threads from my stash.
Cottage Garden Thread : Tool Shed
and Sampler Thread : Ye Old Gold.
I finished as suggested using DMC 310 to make my cord
for hanging.
Happy Stitching,
No ornament this month...
Hello Everyone!
I'm afraid I haven't had time to stitch an ornament this month. I have too many crafty Xmas gifts to work on, and there just hasn't been enough time for any additional stitching 'just for fun'. It is not looking too good for November either, but I am really looking forward to see what themes Kaye will come up with for 2016. At least then there won't be any Xmas gifts to be made for a while, so I should be able to find time for my favourite SAL again:)
Meanwhile I'!m enjoying seeing the lovely ornaments you all have stitched:) Well done!
I'm afraid I haven't had time to stitch an ornament this month. I have too many crafty Xmas gifts to work on, and there just hasn't been enough time for any additional stitching 'just for fun'. It is not looking too good for November either, but I am really looking forward to see what themes Kaye will come up with for 2016. At least then there won't be any Xmas gifts to be made for a while, so I should be able to find time for my favourite SAL again:)
Meanwhile I'!m enjoying seeing the lovely ornaments you all have stitched:) Well done!
Blackwork Angel
Hello friends,
yesterday I finished my angel for this month's theme. I stitched it for a dear friend who loves angels, and I will finish it as an ornament.
yesterday I finished my angel for this month's theme. I stitched it for a dear friend who loves angels, and I will finish it as an ornament.
Blackwork Angel by The Prairie Schooler (book 108)
Stitching with the gold thread wasn't fun and I am glad that there wasn't so much that had to be stitched with it. But the angel stitched up very quickly.
Happy stitching,
Wednesday, 28 October 2015
Cheryl's October Angel Ornament
This angel is adapted from a pattern by Jamie Kile of Knotted Tree Needleart. The pattern is called "An Angel's Joy" and is featured in the 2015 Just Cross Stitch Ornament issue.
I stitched her on 14 ct clear plastic canvas, and backed the ornament with white felt and added a little satin ribbon loop. A quick stitch to make such a sweet little ornament!
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Serendipitous Jo's October Post
Unfortunately it looks like I won't be stitching an ornie this month so I thought I'd share some of my previous Angel finishes:

Top Left - Gabriella by Just Nan
Centre - Angelica by Lavender & Lace
All others - freebies from Lavender & Lace
Monday, 12 October 2015
Themes for next year????
Hi lovely Christmas Elves,
I have been thinking that it might be good to start planning our themes for next year, so if you have anything you are really keen to stitch, now is the time to suggest the theme.
If we have more than twelve, then I will set up a little poll.
So, get your Santa hats on and start sending through some ideas to me!
I have been thinking that it might be good to start planning our themes for next year, so if you have anything you are really keen to stitch, now is the time to suggest the theme.
If we have more than twelve, then I will set up a little poll.
So, get your Santa hats on and start sending through some ideas to me!
hugs, Kaye
Sunday, 11 October 2015
Október I
Milé priateľky Carm, Dinh, Jo, Justine, Brigitte, Noni a Bea, všetkým vám ďakujem za krásne komentáre na môj posledný príspevok! Vaše milé slová ma veľmi potešili!
Takmer som sa pomýlila :-)
Našťastie som si overila tému na október. Nie je to snehuliak, ako som napísala minule. Ten bude až v novembri :-)
Na októbrovú tému (Angels/Nativity) som si vybrala krásny jednofarebný obrázok. Musela som urobiť zmenu, lebo moja posledná výšivka (na mojom blogu) bola plná farieb a malých obrázkov.
Zatiaľ mám len kúsok:
Prajem vám všetkým radosť z vyšívania!
Teším sa na vaše xxx práce!
Nech sa vám darí!
Saturday, 10 October 2015
Sunday, 4 October 2015
I'm Back!
Nothing to post I'm afraid - haven't picked up a needle for so long I almost think I've forgotten how to stitch! Literally I haven't put even one stitch into anything since I posted that tiny little square about what, 3 weeks ago? However, the rooms required for functioning are unpacked, sorted and box free. And the cats are home, so the important stuff can start again.
My plan is to finish my September ornie before I start October's and hopefully be all caught up by the end of the month. I have found the bag with my ornie threads, fabric and pattern so that should get me off to a good start.
Hope you all had a terrific September - and I am so glad to be back!
My plan is to finish my September ornie before I start October's and hopefully be all caught up by the end of the month. I have found the bag with my ornie threads, fabric and pattern so that should get me off to a good start.
Hope you all had a terrific September - and I am so glad to be back!
Friday, 2 October 2015
Two little trees
Hello friends,
Wednesday evening I managed to put in the last stitches on my second little tree. I stitched only two very small trees although I had pulled out many charts with Christmas trees - but there's still time until Christmas.
Now I have to decide if I want to use them for Christmas cards or turn them into ornaments.
Wednesday evening I managed to put in the last stitches on my second little tree. I stitched only two very small trees although I had pulled out many charts with Christmas trees - but there's still time until Christmas.
left: Heart In Hand leaflet Pine Trees
right: taken from My Mom's Christmas by Kristine Lee Howell
Now I have to decide if I want to use them for Christmas cards or turn them into ornaments.
Thursday, 1 October 2015
Merry Merry Christmas Tree!
Hi everyone
I finished this a couple of weeks ago but only just remembered I needed to share it with you all!
I finished this a couple of weeks ago but only just remembered I needed to share it with you all!
Merry Merry by Country Cottage Needleworks
You can see I'm not sticking to my plan to actually finish these as ornaments each month. I was full of good intentions but the finishing is my least favourite part and I'm busy stitching on pieces for exchanges now so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!
Looking forward to seeing what you all come up with this month!
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