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Thursday 27 April 2023

MIA DJ Who finally came up for air...

I've been thinking about you guys (sorry I haven't posted comments in a while) but it's been a crazy year!  While I've been stitching on theme three consistently since the beginning of the year I though if I made myself completely finish the ornament before I posted, it would motivate me to finish them before there is a mad dash at the end of the year.  Best laid plans and all that....LOL  As you can see, it didn't happen the way I planned but oh goes on.  I did make myself sit and get some finishing done this month because I'm participating in an made myself finish off these ornaments too!  It took me three days to finish up a stack I had set here goes...  

January I stitched Christmas Night by Sheila Kelly from the 2018 JCS Ornament Issue.  This was stitched on 32 count white over two (don't faint Jo!  LOL)  

February I stitched Poinsettia by Punochka (again...I think this is the third time) from the 2020 JCS Ornament Issue.  This was stitched on 32 count natural over two (no this isn't becoming a theme, Jo...LOL)  

March I stitched Christmas at the Farm by Pickle Barrel Designs from the 2022 JCS Ornament Issue.  It's stitched on 32 count petite over two (ok maybe this is becoming a trend, Jo...LOL)  

And this month...April, I stitched Come & Behold Him by Fancy Work.  It's stitched on 32 count antique white over two  (what happened to me??  OH!  I know...there was some over one stitching in part of the pattern...whew...was thinking I lost my touch!).  

All together I fully finished 16 pieces in 3 days, most of which are gifts.  If you want to see them all, you can check my blog.  The last finish was a biscornu, which was tiny and taxed my patience to the max, so I'm going to hold off on any more finishing until next month.  Don't give up hope on me, I was having trouble deciding on which 12 Days of Christmas ornaments I wanted to do this year...I REALLY wanted to do the Prairie Schooler Santas but in looking for the patterns, the ones I found were outrageously priced...BUT...I found a sale the other day and sent for them.  When they arrive I'll get started.  I'm only 4 behind, right?   I even think I know how I'll stitch and finish watch this space!  I'm going to leave you with a little ornament I stitched for my husband.  I really love how it turned out...and this cracked me up!  I found this years ago on the Living on the Rainbow blog and it was free when I printed it.  Not sure if it's still there or not.   Happy Stitching everybody!

Sunday 16 April 2023

Suzanne's April Ornament


Since this month was a free choice in the song theme, I chose this super cute Country Cottage Needleworks Merry Christmas from the 2011 JCS Ornament issue. I think it fits lots of Christmas songs. 

Stitched on 18 count Aida in the called for DMC threads. 

Can wait to see everyone's progress!

Sunday 2 April 2023

Gwen: March

 Well February wizzed right past me but I was able to get my second ornament of the year done. I am working my way through Annie Beez's Forkart 12 days of Christmas Stockings. I have a start on #3. Can I get 2 done in April? Keeping my fingers crossed.