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Friday 30 September 2016

Lili's September Ornament: Christmas Food

My September ornament!
Design: Primrose Needleworks - Lord & Lady Gingerbread - JCS Special Christmas Issue2015
Fabric/Threads: 40 count Ivory linen/ DMC

Thanks for looking!
Happy stitching,
(my blog: Stitching Basket)

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Who wants Figgy Pudding?

Isn't it amazing what you can find when you go rummaging around in your stash!  I was looking through my stash of Christmas designs for something pudding or food like but nothing jumped out until I raided the box of magazine freebies....

So who would like some figgy pudding?  This is a Jane Greenoff design.  I am not sure what magazine it came from originally (probably Needlecraft UK) but it would have been from the late 80's or early 90's I suspect.

So that's it - quick and simple this month!

See you next month! Til then happy Christmas stitching!
Hugs xx

Wednesday 21 September 2016

Rita's Sept. 2016 (Christmas Food) Ornament

This is literally hot off the ironing board and is from Lizzie Kate's Tiny Tidings XII.  I used Wichelt's lambswool 32 count (over 2) with mostly the recommended floss colors. (I subbed out a couple of colors that I didn't already have in my stash.)   The heart button was just one from my stash.

When my 4 kids were living at home, we'd always leave out some cookies and milk for Santa (and carrots for the reindeer) and Santa would always leave a thank you note with some advice to the kids about being good for the upcoming this was an obvious choice for me to stitch.

Serendipitous Jo's September Ornie - Christmas Food

I have decided to stitch the Christmas Cubes by Primitive Hare as my Christmas project this year.  I looked at the themes which Kaye had chosen for this year and all but two are covered by the Cubes.  Perfect!  It does mean that I will stitch the letters out of order but I can cope with that.

Here is Cube 7 - I

This is exactly as charted apart from the substitution of B5200 for Blanc.

Here are all seven so far:

stitched on 35 count Country Mocha from Willow Fabrics

You can tell "I" was photographed at a different time to the rest!

Monday 19 September 2016

Hattie Hedgehog

Here's Hattie - complete with her teapot and cup of tea. This is a freebie from Brookes Books, part of the Animal Advent series.

She was "5" in the series - I stitched the year this will be a gift for a special little girl this Christmas.

Now......onward to October!!

Friday 16 September 2016

Advice please....

Hello lovely Christmas Elves ...

Just wanting some advice, please.  I thought that for a change I would try to Finish my latest Christmas Ornie, Xmas Tea, straight away - I know, I know, be still my beating heart!  I am actually going to be organised! lol!

Anyway, reaching into my newly organised tub of Christmas fabric, literally the first fabric that caught my eye was this one:

But then I rummaged around a little bit more and found this one:

I think that I am leaning more towards the second one but I would love a second opinion - so please let me know what you think.

hugs, Kaye

P.S. Don't forget to check out my previous post about ideas for next year's themes.  Looking forward to your input on that post, please.

So far, Theme 1 is appealing to some people whilst some great ideas are coming in for Theme 2.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Lots to drink

Hey guys!

I am on time and with an actual stitch that isn't a stretch of the theme!  Go me!

I brought some hot cocoa to go along with Kaye's tea so we won't go thirsty ;)

This is Hot Cocoa by M Designs from the 2013 Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue.

I love hot cocoa around Christmas time or any time of the year actually so this might stay out all year.

Can't wait to see everyone else's Christmas food stitches!


Tuesday 13 September 2016

Tea anyone?

Yay!  I have finished my September theme relatively early this month - all up to date - Yay!  (Don't ask me how far behind I am on the Hallowe'en Ornie SAL - three months and counting, I think!)

I present to you, Xmas Tea.... 

Xmas Tea
Designer: Primitive Acorns
Source: JCS Christmas Ornie Mag 2016
28 ct linen
Assorted floss from stash

It was a very sweet stitch.

hugs, Kaye

P.S. Don't forget to check out my previous post about ideas for next year's themes.  Looking forward to your input.

Themes for 2017

Hi lovely Christmas Elves,

It is that time again!  Time to start thinking about our themes for next year, so if you have anything you are really keen to stitch, now is the time to suggest the theme.

I am thinking of running two alternate themes for next year.

I have been chatting to the lovely Jo, one of the stalwarts of this blog and my inspiration for starting it, with her Hallowe'en Ornie SAL.  Anyway, we were having an email chat, as you do (since I live in Australia and she lives in England) and we were both saying how much we love stitching 1. Pieces with a theme and 2. The Twelve Days of Christmas. So, I said, how about we do that for a theme next year with an alternate set of themes for those of us who may not want to commit to a Twelve Days of Christmas stitch.  And if you wish, you could dip in and out of either theme.

So, I am thinking we will have:

On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the Second day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

On the Third day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Three French Hens,
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
Subsequent verses follow the same pattern, each adding one new gift and repeating all the earlier gifts, so that each verse is one line longer than its predecessor:
Calling Birds
Gold Rings
Geese a-Laying
Swans a-Swimming
Maids a-Milking
Ladies Dancing
10 Lords a-Leaping
11 Pipers Piping
12 Drummers Drumming

There are so many different designs out there on this theme - I just did a quick Google search and look at all of these:

Theme Two will be a variety, just as we had this year (and there is no reason we cannot use some of the same ideas again). So, get your Santa hats on and start sending through some choices to me!

If we have more than twelve ideas for Theme 2, then I will set up a little poll.


hugs, Kaye

P.S. Just as a reminder here are the themes for the last two years:


January - Music
February - Snow
March- Santa and his helpers
April - Ornaments/Decorations
May - Reindeer
June - Christmas animals/pets
July - free choice
August - Christmas clothing
September - Christmas Food
October - Toys/Presents
November - Oh Christmas Tree!
December - Angels/Nativity

THEMES FOR 2015  (only a partial year, as the blog was only started in August)

August - Mr and/or Mrs Santa
September - Christmas Tree/Presents
October - Angels/Nativity
November - Snowflakes/ Snowman/Wintry scene
December - free choice

Friday 9 September 2016

Better Late than Never.....

Here's my ornie for August - I start to laugh every time I look at this design - from Sue Hillis Designs, out of Just Cross Stitch "2014 Christmas Ornaments" magazine.

"If You Don't Believe" - design by Susan Hillis

Now.....on to September's ornament! Thank you, Kaye for such a great motivation and SAL!