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Monday 10 August 2015

A slow start to August

It's surprising how different one month can be to the next. Last month I was stitching away like crazy on my first HAED and making steady progress, had began my nieces Frozen piece for her birthday AND...yes there is more...stitched a Christmas Ornament to test out how long each would take me once the SAL began and also to see how I felt about working on plastic canvas.

This month...I am behind on the Frozen piece, will probably not get a chance to do anymore to the HAED and will need to make a concerted effort to finish the ornament. All I can say is how grateful I am for IHSW!

From now until Christmas I will be stitching a set of six (five left to do) Joan Elliott designs...

which were taken from this book of hers...

I checked out all the suggested themes and there is one for each except maybe Mrs Christmas and so she was the test stitch...I think she came out pretty well and I only made a few tweaks.

My plan is to stitch the ornament during IHSW every month in order to ensure it gets done, as that is something I rarely miss when my mojo is about, well I better leave you all to your stitchy duties and get on with mine!  :)

I can't wait to see your finishes.


Annie said...

Oh, I love her; she's so cute! Well done!It's impossible to go wrong with a JE design! I'm hoping to stitch at least one ornament this autumn using her charts:)

Kaisievic said...

Wow! How cool is that? That they all fit the themes for the rest of the year? I love Mrs Santa. I have that book somewhere - off to look for it right now.

KimM said...

This is so darned CUTE!!!
Love it -

sew.darn.quilt said...

Very sweet ornie! It's hard to pick a favourite of the 6, they're all so charming.

Kate said...

Ah, yes, life takes over, doesn't it? You made some terrific choices! I love your finished piece. Have fun stitching them!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely designs. Mrs Santa is ideal for August and you've still got time to stitch Mr Santa too!

Bea said...

How wonderful that all 5 themes are covered - plus the extra! She's a cutie!

tiffstitch said...

Good luck with Santa this month!

tiffstitch said...

Good luck with Santa this month!

tiffstitch said...

Good luck with Santa this month!

kate n said...

I shall keep an eye out to see what you choose. I have always loved her designs but its rare that I stitch them, crazy right? I thought this was the perfect opportunity to change that.

kate n said...

Hehehe...its a great book!

kate n said...

It so is...I am looking forward to stitching the rest.

kate n said...

That's why i have to stitch them all! lol

kate n said...

Thanks Kate :)

kate n said...

Yes, I have begun on him.

kate n said...

Its obviously fate! hehe

kate n said...

Thanks Tiff :)

Daniela Bencúrová said...

Test stitch came out great!
I look forward to continuing!
I wish you the joy of cross stitch!

Marcy said...

Perfect picks for the sal. Mrs. Claus is adorable.

Brigitte said...

She is so sweet, your Mrs Santa. And all the others that you are going to stitch are just as adorable. I just love Joan Elliott's designs.

Stitching Noni said...

What a fantastic idea! JE designs are always so gorgeous :o)
Looking forward to seeing your finishes each month!
Hugs xx