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Monday 19 October 2020

I have an ornament for October

 I have been very lax with this SAL. I fully intended to stitch a 12 Days ornamemt each month this year, and for the first 5 months I did. Then I started stitching on my big project (HAED Christmas Dreams) and my obsessive streak took over. Everything else went on the back burner as I tried to make as much progress as I could on CD. This month I finally set CD aside for 2 weeks so that I could finish my 2020 Christmas ornaments.  So  here is my '12 Days of Christmas' Day 10 ornament

I adapted this design from Dimensions #172 '12 Days of Christmas'.

And here are Days 6 to 9, 11, and 12 to finish the set.

These were all adapted from Lesley Grant's 12 days set, published in Dec 1995 issue of UK Cross Stitcher magazine.


butterfly said...

It is hard some times to drop what you are enjoying stitching to stitch some season designs .
They do look fab so it will be worth it .
Have a fun day.

Khristine Doiron said...

Beautiful ornament! I love the beaded hanger :)

Suzanne H said...

Super finishes! Good luck on your HAED Christmas Dreams!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That is a cute 12 Days set. Mine have been put aside just for October, I will double up next month!

Suchi said...

So so pretty!! These are wonderful..!!

Suzana said...

Beautiful stitching! You are very talented.
Maybe next year I'll try also!
All the best, Suzanne and a lot of inspiration!

Carol L said...

Your ornament tags are beautifully done and so incredibly detailed! I haven't done needlepoint since I was a child, but still have a fond appreciation for those who do it so well!

Jovita Loan Aid, said...

Trenger du et lån?
Har du et dårlig rykte?
Trenger du penger for å betale regningene?
Du må starte en ny virksomhet?
Har du et uferdig prosjekt tilgjengelig på grunn av dårlig finansiering?
kontakt oss innen

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