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Monday, 29 February 2016

The Snowman made it!

Hello fellow SALers!

I finished my snowman on time, whoho!

From the magazine Enjoy cross stitching at Christmas 2011.
Designer: Adam Prescott

I enjoyed stitching him up until the backstitch...! It was way too fiddly and sometimes the small stitches disappeared into the stitching...and the mouth looks all wonky up close! This is definitely a design that looks best at a
Still, I guess he's kind of cute...for a snowman:)

Now I need a few days break from Christmas ornaments after that backstitch session, before I start to think of next month's fun theme!



KimM said...

Oh, Annie, he's so cute! I love him!!

Brigitte said...

Annie, what a lovely little guy you chose for February. And I love his whimsical smile, lol.

Jo said...

He is very cute

Anonymous said...

Very pretty snowman!

Khristine Doiron said...

He is so cute!! And he looks perfect on that fabric :)

Bea said...

Glad you stuck with it - he's really cute.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

The backstitch really brings him to life. Love the fabric too, nice to see a bright turquoise.

Kaisievic said...

Annie, he is so cute and I love the blue Aida.

Stitching Noni said...

I think he looks cute... and his wonky smile suits him :o)

Loretta said...

Very cute!!!!