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Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Serendipitous Jo's October Ten Lords-a-Leaping

I neglected to post this here in October, but better late than never!

October's block was the energetic young Lord leaping with his ribbons:

Here is where the piece was last month:

And here is where it stood when I completed my Lord:

Since then I have completed the entire border and almost all of Block 11.  Not long to go until a Christmas finish.


Khristine Doiron said...

I am so in love with this piece!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful the new block! You did a lovely progress!!

Mary's Thread said...

It's a really magnificent block! You are so close to the finish! Can't wait to see it!

Stitching Noni said...

Well done Jo! Amazing to see it almost finished :o)

Bea said...

Love his colours.